The One Where Two Tires Blow

Yeah that's right. I'm afraid to say it folks, but the City of Edmonton has let me down once again. I was on my to bring Steph's little sister Ruth home, (read next blog to discover what we were doing...) and we were just having a gay ol' time when..BAM BAM. No word of a lie. TWO TIRES!! Both on the passanger side were blown. And, yes, I am going to blame this on the city! A pothole, large enough to pop TWO TIRE should not go unnoticed by the City of Edmonton. Let's be honest here people, sure there are a lot of potholes in the city but if you look at the pictures you will see my front tire and my back tire place nicely back in the hole. As you can see, it's HORRIBLE!! My brother, God bless him, came to save the day and get me some new tires but when I went to pick them up the guys at the Kal Tire were like 'What the heck happened to your rims? We had to pound them back into a circle!" Yeah, that's what happens when you don't fix POTHOLES! And you can be sure that I will be giving the city a nasty little phone call. But, I will OF COURSE be Christian about it.


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