The One Where Spring Has Sprung

You know it's spring when people are outside! This weekend I made a random trip up to GP again and ended up staying with Matt and Holly for Saturday night. Then on Sunday morning Holly and I decided we needed to get outside so we went out to the driveway and started chipping away at the foot thick ice on their driveway. Okay, it's not a foot but it seriously was so thick! You know when you are just having fun and not thinking that you are really 'working'. Well, I definitly am feeling the pain of that Sunday now! I am sore EVERYWHERE! It was really entertaining though. For awhile I was the 'foreman' of the operation and the Katelyn babysitter, but then Holly decided she wanted to be the 'foreman' and put me on ice chipping duty. It was really fun but now I am in some serious pain! My forearms, and my abs are so sore! I blame Matthew for that. He was such a 'drill-sargent'! "Oh come on, we only have half the drive-way left", "We're almost done...(NOT)!" Either way, the weekend was awesome and we have quite the drive-way to show for it! Love you guys!

Aside from the Hildebrants...I hung out with many people I haven't hung out with in a while, so that was so sweet! Thanks for all for a great weekend, yet again!

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