Oh, the joys of serving has just returned! I love SERVING!! Today was my first day back in the act of serving! And boy and boy, have I ever missed it! I really enjoy serving and I would like to think that I'm an alright server! After 3 days of long drawn-out book training, I finally got my shot at the tables! It's very different serving in the Olive Garden than serving at the Hut. Let's decifer the differences here between the two.
Positives and Negatives of the OG
+ You can only have three tables at a time, allowing your cutsomers the attention they need.
+ The tips are way better because the service is top-notch
+ Managers assign the sections
- You have to tip out
- You do not have an ending time on your schedule
- Don't really know anyone, but I guess that will come...
Positives and Negatives of the Hut
+ You don't have to tip out
+ You can leave when your shift is over
- You can be stuck with 20 tables and no one cares
- The tips aren't the greatest
- I had to assign all the sections and everyone fought over them all the time
So, the joys and frustrations of serving have returned, but don't get me wrong...I love it! Serving is defintely something that you either live for or hate. My advise, don't get into it if you can't take people yelling at you for others mistakes!
The One Where Spring Has Sprung
You know it's spring when people are outside! This weekend I made a random trip up to GP again and ended up staying with Matt and Holly for Saturday night. Then on Sunday morning Holly and I decided we needed to get outside so we went out to the driveway and started chipping away at the foot thick ice on their driveway. Okay, it's not a foot but it seriously was so thick! You know when you are just having fun and not thinking that you are really 'working'. Well, I definitly am feeling the pain of that Sunday now! I am sore EVERYWHERE! It was really entertaining though. For awhile I was the 'foreman' of the operation and the Katelyn babysitter, but then Holly decided she wanted to be the 'foreman' and put me on ice chipping duty. It was really fun but now I am in some serious pain! My forearms, and my abs are so sore! I blame Matthew for that. He was such a 'drill-sargent'! "Oh come on, we only have half the drive-way left", "We're almost done...(NOT)!" Either way, the weekend was awesome and we have quite the drive-way to show for it! Love you guys!
Aside from the Hildebrants...I hung out with many people I haven't hung out with in a while, so that was so sweet! Thanks for all for a great weekend, yet again!
Aside from the Hildebrants...I hung out with many people I haven't hung out with in a while, so that was so sweet! Thanks for all for a great weekend, yet again!
The One With The Olive Garden
Update ALERT! I no longer work at the insurance place but am currently a waitress at the OG (AKA Olive Garden)! It's so rad. Sure I've only had one day of orientation and one day of book training, buit it's sweet! Here's the deal. I started at the OG on Saturday and watched the videos that everyone has to watch (you know the secruity, food safety, etc.). Then on Monday I went for my first official paid day as a waitress at the OG! Basically the OG is a a classy family resturant. It's not a really formal place but it's quite professional. As the saying goes..."When you're here...You're family"! We did extensive menu training last night. It's intense! I basically have to learn the Italian language and the Italian accent. It's pretty neat though. It's crazy because the customers don't really know the correct way to say the menu items and so you have to correct them with the proper Italian way! It's sweet though and the people there are really funny and goof-balls. Love it! Hospitaliano!
The One With Grande Prairie
Yeah, that's right! I just returned to Sexsmith for the weekend but it was much to short of a trip!! Here's the weekend in a quick run-down...
Thursday - Annelise and I arrived in Sex-town at about 8pm. We hung out at Matt and Holly's house until about 10pm when we went into GP to drive Annelise to Mel's house, where she was staying for the weekend. We picked up Doug and Sam along the way and went to good 'ol Tim Horton's for some ROLL UP THE RIM adventures! After that we headed home to Sex-town for beddy-by!
Friday - I hung out with Holly for the majority of the morning and made a quick stop in the DH for some good ol' catching up with some friends. Then I went back to Holly's and Annelise and Doug came over for some good ol' chick-flick Session. Yeah, that's right. Doug likes chick-flicks!
Saturday - Came way to soon considering I met up with Danielle, Marc and Shawn for breakfast at 8AM!! After that I went to Doug's and bummed around for the day. Then we headed into town for supper, went to the Storm's game and watch 'The Good Shephard'. (VERY SLOW)
Sunday - Instead of going to church like a 'good-girl', I opted out to chill with Matt and Holly and Dr. Mario (of course). And just like always, I GOT MY BUTT KICKED. In all fairness, I'm pretty sure that Holly and Matt don't do anything BUT play Dr. Mario so that's okay that I loss. After the Dr. Mario session, I headed into town for lunch (PIZZA HUT!!!) and then came back to Doug and Shane's for some good ol' quality time session!
Thursday - Annelise and I arrived in Sex-town at about 8pm. We hung out at Matt and Holly's house until about 10pm when we went into GP to drive Annelise to Mel's house, where she was staying for the weekend. We picked up Doug and Sam along the way and went to good 'ol Tim Horton's for some ROLL UP THE RIM adventures! After that we headed home to Sex-town for beddy-by!
Friday - I hung out with Holly for the majority of the morning and made a quick stop in the DH for some good ol' catching up with some friends. Then I went back to Holly's and Annelise and Doug came over for some good ol' chick-flick Session. Yeah, that's right. Doug likes chick-flicks!
Saturday - Came way to soon considering I met up with Danielle, Marc and Shawn for breakfast at 8AM!! After that I went to Doug's and bummed around for the day. Then we headed into town for supper, went to the Storm's game and watch 'The Good Shephard'. (VERY SLOW)
Sunday - Instead of going to church like a 'good-girl', I opted out to chill with Matt and Holly and Dr. Mario (of course). And just like always, I GOT MY BUTT KICKED. In all fairness, I'm pretty sure that Holly and Matt don't do anything BUT play Dr. Mario so that's okay that I loss. After the Dr. Mario session, I headed into town for lunch (PIZZA HUT!!!) and then came back to Doug and Shane's for some good ol' quality time session!
The One With The New Years
Yeah, yeah, yeah. These are late but there are some really cute pictures in here!! Stephanie and I went with Shannon and two of her friends out to Joey's for supper (so good but so expensive) and then went to watch the non-existant fire-works. Here's what we did. We really wanted to watch the fire works from the top of these towers and yet we dind't want to be with lots of people. We were on the top of the parkade about 20minutes before the fire-show started and we thought that we were SOOOOOOO lucky because we were the only ones on the blue side of the towers. There were two towers, the blue one (dead as a door knob) and the yellow (over-populated). We were geniouses!! Alone and able to enjoy the show! WRONG!!!! Because of the distance we were from the actual fire-show...WE COULDN'T SEE ANYTHING! None-the-less, we still had a ton of fun and here are the pictures to show it!
The One With The Engagement Party
The One With The Engagement Party
There isn't too much to say about this day. The pictures do most of the talking but one thing I do want to comment on is Adam and Stephanie's future children. Now, if you take a look at this picture you will see that Stephanie barely reaches Adam's shoulders. Their children are going to be insane! Either....jpg)
Short, little midget kids with huge heads
Tall, built kids with small heads
I know, my poor little "Boble-headed" nieces and nephews. But that's okay, because they are going to be the most loved and spoiled little "Boble-headed" children.
There isn't too much to say about this day. The pictures do most of the talking but one thing I do want to comment on is Adam and Stephanie's future children. Now, if you take a look at this picture you will see that Stephanie barely reaches Adam's shoulders. Their children are going to be insane! Either...
Short, little midget kids with huge heads
Tall, built kids with small heads
I know, my poor little "Boble-headed" nieces and nephews. But that's okay, because they are going to be the most loved and spoiled little "Boble-headed" children.
The One With Kickle

The One Where Two Tires Blow
Yeah that's right. I'm afraid to say it folks, but the City of Edmonton has let me down once again. I was on my to bring Steph's little sister Ruth home, (read next blog to discover what we were doing...) and we were just having a gay ol' time when..BAM BAM. No word of a lie. TWO TIRES!! Both on the passanger side were blown. And, yes, I am going to blame this on the city! A pothole, large enough to pop TWO TIRE should not go unnoticed by the City of Edmonton. Let's be honest here people, sure there are a lot of potholes in the city but if you look at the pictures you will see my front tire and my back tire place nicely back in the hole. As you can see, it's HORRIBLE!! My brother, God bless him, came to save the day and get me some new tires but when I went to pick them up the guys at the Kal Tire were like 'What the heck happened to your rims? We had to pound them back into a circle!" Yeah, that's what happens when you don't fix POTHOLES! And you can be sure that I will be giving the city a nasty little phone call. But, I will OF COURSE be Christian about it.
The One With The Waterpark
$7!!! Yeah, that's right! West Edmonton Mall Waterpark for only $7!! Annelise and I, along with my bro and his fiancee and a bunch of other "Dutch People" all headed to WEM to cash in the cheapest night ever! Not only did we hit the waves but we went on the slides with our tubes and almost died. I swear, the sides on those slides are not high enough. While on the twister, I could totally feel the edge of the tube on the top of slide. Let me tell you....I WAS SCARED! I used to have a Super Summer Attraction Pass when I was a little bit younger but ever since cockroches were discovered in the waterpark, I haven't been able to bring myself back to that place. Annelise was hilarious about making sure we didn't walk around without shoes when it was possible. Aside from the adventurous waves, Annelise tried to flirt with one of the lifeguards so he would open the other tube ride. Yeah, it didn't work. Nice try though!
Tonight was also Bethany's 19th birthday! She had a bunch of friends with her so we didn't get to hang that much, but lets be honest, she's been here for the last 3 weekends! You might as well move here DEAR! Well, I still love you and I hope you had a kick butt birthday weekend! Man, her and her friends stayed at the Fantasyland Hotel for the night...I'M JEALOUS!!
Tonight was also Bethany's 19th birthday! She had a bunch of friends with her so we didn't get to hang that much, but lets be honest, she's been here for the last 3 weekends! You might as well move here DEAR! Well, I still love you and I hope you had a kick butt birthday weekend! Man, her and her friends stayed at the Fantasyland Hotel for the night...I'M JEALOUS!!
The One With The Calgary Flames
!!!!GO FLAMES GO!!!!


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