So, today was full of wedding plans, not mine but Steph and Adam's! Stephanie and I have been talking wedding NON-STOP! It's so awesome to get to be involved and help with the planning. We are in the process of searching for a a place to have the wedding and also a photographer. OH MY! Stephanie found this guy that she wants to be her photographer and he is AMAZING! Man, his portfolio is so sweet and he does such crazy photo-manipulation it's UNREAL, but so sweet. I didn't know how much you can do with digital pictures, it's going to be wicked! Here's a link to his website! Check out his pictures, I told her about this wedding invitation I saw once with those black and white pictures you take in the photo-booths. They were so simple and so original. If any of you have avid readers have wedding ideas feel free to pass them on. It's pretty crazy how much really has to be done. I still can't believe my brother is getting married! I mean, that's looking back! So final, but so sweet.
Lately some things I've been learning is just to be content with where I'm at. I had the weirdest experience the other day that really hit me to appreciate where I am at in life. I was walking through the mall with Holly and holding Katelyn when Holly needs to use the facilities. So, being the greatest fake-auntie I can be, I tell her I will watch Katelyn. So I'm sitting there, playing with the cutest child EVER,

a few words... i never think about that... i love that ryder gives me those big eyes and that i get to help him feel better. it's such an eye opener to realize how much you love your child and how willing you are to throw things aside to be with them... then you realize that God loves this child even more than you do! everytime i think about that, it just makes me want to cry... it's way more than just an honour to be a mother... on a completely different subject... kelvin and i used those black and white photo booth pictures on our invitations... i loved the idea... we just went and spent 20 bucks... and we had a blast!
hello Alissa,
It's funny that you say that it can be hard to be a mom. It seems single people that don't have babies don't understand! So thank you.
I'm excited you started blogging! Have a great night.
Love Linds
Hey Alissa! I've been trying to talk to you on MSN lately...but i keep getting your dad...not sure how that's happening...but just a little awkward! ;) Anyhow...good to hear what's going on with you...later!
Another comment, oh man! That pic of Katelyn looks like it got squished or something, kinda funny but still the cutest thing ever. I'm gonna take pictures of swimming lessons next week with Celia and Oakley, yipee! It's so fun. Oh and yea the cookies are gone, two days, wow we're healthy!
hey dude, it's riley =D
we have a baby. check out his blog!
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