Hey everyone!! I've finally joined the world of BLOGGING! It seems anyone who's anyone does it so i figured, "WHY NOT?". So let's start by explaining the address to those who don't konw me as "Bear". Back in the day, about 2 summers ago I went to a camp called "Sunnybrae Bible Camp". This was the type of camp that had 'nicknames' and, long story short, I got the name "Bear" because I working at a Bible camp called "Bear Lake Bible Camp". Funny eh? Well, ever since then I have been referred to as "angry bear", "sad bear", "dirty bear" (thanks for that one doug), "crazy bear" and really any other adjective you could put in front of a name. I really have fallen in love with the name and I call myself that all the time! It's really entertaining and totally fits my personality. So sweet.
Here's a quick review of my life in the last two months or so. I left Sexsmith (I know! I know! No one ever thought the day would come, but it did!) I am now a receptionist for an Insurance Company, well a Broker anyways. I really love my job and there are some really fun people that I work with! I attend a church on Sunday nights called "Millwoods Pentacostal Church" and its really sweet because there are so many young peope there. I think they average like 300 people a week. It's a great place to meet people but sometimes the emphasis is to strong on the "meeting people" part. Oh well I guess you will never find a "Perfect Church", but if I did, i would be the pastor that's for sure!
The biggest news in my life if the engagement of my brother,

Adam, to his girlfriend, Stephanie Stewart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man, it was such a sweet weekend I almost can't explain it! Adam called me at 6:30am just to tell me that he was going to ask Stephanie

to marry him. HOW SWEET! They went to Jasper for the day and while overlooking the Athabasca Falls he popped the question and OF COURSE she said YES! That was when the jumping and screaming started and I'm not sure when it going to end. The wedding is in October on their one year anniversary, the 27! I can't wait. And yes, I am a BRIDESMAID!!! I can't wait! I am so happy for them I can't put it into words! Stephanie is the most amazing chick I have every met! I couldn't think of another girl more suitable for my BIG BROTHER!!

Well, I guess I should start announcing my blog to my peeps so everyone can post lots and lots of comments! Love you all and I hope to hear from you soon.
Awww Lis, you made me cry! lol... the tears are still there! You are so sweet!! Couldn't ask for a better sister-in-law... holy cow, how great does that sound? Oh I'm so happy!
Love you super lots!!!!
Welcome to the world of blogging. It's about time. Congrats to Adam. That's super exciting. Hope everything's going great.
p.s. check out our blog quinnandpauline.blogspot.com
Yeah Alissa!! I am so happy you made a blog! Now we can keep up with your crazy life...
It was so good to see you last weekend. We'll have to get together for a better visit next time we're in Edmonton.
Keep up the posting!
okay, if you get doubles, i'm sorry, blogger is being blogger... grr... anyways, congratulations to your brother, and yea for joining blogger... even though sometimes it's highly uncooperative, i'm sure you're going to enjoy keeping in touch with everyone!
ps... it's lindsay and jeremy's little girl... not joshua...
Alissa, I just opened up the box you sent home YUM!!! What a nice surprise! Thank you so so much! I think I'm about to eat the last chocolate chip cookie, hee he, what a healthy breakfast. I love the stickers and Katelyn loves her stuff. You spoil us so much! Thank you! Love you!
I just broke my paronoid no sugar for baby rule! I gave Katelyn a bite of one of the sugar cookies you sent, one little bite won't hurt ok... right?!!They just melt in your mouth, so good!
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