The One With Some Friends of Bear

He's the type of guy that will allow you to come into his house, bawl your eyes out and then leave. Then after you leave he calls you a "Basket-case" and tells you he "Loves your butt"! Not the literal butt, but it's some sort of saying he's developed.

Jon and Jordanna

Jordanna and Jon. They are adorable!! Just look at the way they Smile! So happy together and just the cutest EVER! If we could vote on the most adorable couple, THEY WOULD WIN! Jordanna came to PRBI from Manitoba! She's a crazy girl but a heart of gold. And Jon, well his just CRAZY! Man, I love these two and can't wait to see where God will bring them together!


The world's greatest cousin. When Adam and Stephanie got engaged, I think she was more excited than me (if that's possible)! She's always been a little sister to me, and don't worry that Steph's in the picture, there's still room for you to be the "Little Sister I Never Had".

Kevin and Lauren

The new couple around PRBI but still super sweet. I discipled Lauren for a semester while I was still up at school and Kev, well, he's a kickbutt soccer player! These two are adorable and I can't wait to come see you guys again!

Ah Chelsea. What can be said about Chachi? Well, she's a loyal friend that I love so much. There is nothing in the world that I would trade for her friendship! Words don't do justice to you Chach! I LOVE YOU!

As one of the originators of putting the "FACE" at the end of Bear...what more could be said? We did stats together for a year and had the greatest time of our lives! I love you SAM-HO and can't wait to see you again!

The Hildebrants

Ah, the Hildebrants! Holly, the best friend anyone can ask for...Matt, the husband of the best friend anyone can ask for...and Katelyn, the best fake-neice anyone could ask for! You guys are the greatest and I love learning from you two! You are a huge blessing to me. I can garuntee that Katelyn will be mentioned in every blog of mine, I love her so much!


Rachel said...

Wow, you're heair is so long! you look great! Glad you started a blog!!

Holm's said...

Ya were moving to a basement suite in Sexsmith!! when are u gonna move here lifer?
Hope all is well.

free art is good art said...

i love sam!
can you give me her email? we were friends a longggg time ago. we worked at camp together :) i love her brother as well.

The One With My Facebook

Alissa Jongsma's Facebook profile