Friday - The One With The Arrival
After attending a seminar for work, I returned home and anxiously awaited the arrival of Marc and Meaghan! They finally rolled in around 10:30 am and the party began. After unloading the truck and venturing inside we soon found our respective beds and ventured into LALA-land so we could be well rested for the next day's adventure.Saturday - The One With The Shoes and Flatts
Morning came with quite the bang at 9:53am as Marc decided it was time for us get up and header to the mall, West Edmonton Mall! We were on a mission to buy Meaghan a pair of shoes. Black, heeled and closed toed. Simple one would think?!?! NEGATIVE! "Those have bows"..."$200?!?!?"..."heels too high".."not enough heel"...and the list goes on, and on, and on, and ON! We started at Payless on the Westside of the mall and guess where we ended up, after looking at 50 different shoes stores. You guessed it: At Payless at the Westside of the mall. And to make matters worse, the final chosen pair of shoes were the same pair looked at in Grande Praire the week before. After spending three hours shopping for shoes, after which I wore out my shoes looking for shoes, I now need a new pair of shoes.
We were off to Ikea (The Happy Place)...but not without our bouncy balls which we found at Old Navy for 25 cents! I just have to go on a rant here about the deal on Hot Dogs. Here's the deal...TWO HOT DOGS AND A POP FOR $1.75. Sounds like a great combo deal, right? WRONG! Hot dogs cost $0.50 each, and a pop is $0.75. Upon doing the math we discovered 2 Hot Dogs @ $0.50 each equals $1.00 and 1 pop @ $0.75 equals $0.75. Total that together you get...$1.75!!! Not a deal at all! Okay, back to the point...IKEA! After trying out all the showrooms (toliet and bathtubs included, pictures and captions included later) Marc was sentanced to "holding onto the cart", Meaghan's order! AFter our adventure at the "Happy Store" we were off to pick up Jordanna and header to the concert!
Oh the concert! My description of the concert will not to justice to it so I will leave it at this...KICK$%^ Best concert I have ever been too, only been to two (Shania Twain when I was 15 but none the less.) It's just too bad they didn't plan "Moment's" (you know that one with the guy on the bridge?) eh Meaghan?
Sunday - The One With The Copy-Cat Day
Okay. First I must ask. Have you ever heard of French cereal?!?! Because this morning, Meaghan (oh sweet Meaghan) had, for the first time, Frech Alphabits! (Yes, this is an inside joke and to spare Meaghan the imbarrassment, I will not devulge anymore information) Yesturday we did the whole mall and Ikea thing. Today, it's the mall and Ikea all over agian! This time we did different adventures. Here's a list of what we all did...Sea Cavern Adventure, watched the Sea Lion Show, drank Bubble tea (WIERD!!!) and went on the Santa Maria to take pictures. Much fun was had!
After the mall it was back to Ikea so Meaghan could buy a bunch of stuff for her future house!!! As tradition goes, (a new tradition begun the day before), Marc and I headed to the hot dog place to get the "sweet deal combo". After our quick visit to the Happy Place we headed home to pick up Chinese Food and then Marc and Meaghan had to header home! By far one of the best weekends since I moved down south!!!